Thursday, November 3, 2011

User Design Experience

I was browsing and reading random IT-related websites I bumped to this article "The Role of Design in the Kingdom of Content" by Smashing Magazine. It talks about the importance of user design experience. Fascinated and curious of its contents, I started reading it. Here's what I learned:


Act on the opportunity the right way by using design to highlight the site's most valuable content. Build designs suitable with your content. Use visual tools like lines and shapes not just for decorating but also use it to support the conversation of a goal or the delivery of a message. Comments helps in gaining credibility and insights from users.


The world of websites is a world of first impression. A good design is important, even when the page is loading, or how the content is presented, users will judge it the minute they see your website. Take for instance adding a background image of woods, It gives the user a feeling of being at a relaxed and common place. It makes the user comfortable at the site and begins browsing around.


We all know that in designing, every line spacing, typography used or even how elements are grouped are important in giving an impression to your users what your website is. For a professional theme using wrong typography like Comic Sans will ruin the look and feel of the site. Consistency is important. Just be sure that if you want to look different, be different.


The web is so vast. Numerous sites and information is readily available in the web. The question is, how will your website outstand? Answer: Make your site reactive. Take advantage of social networking, share your site to your friends and let them leave comments in your site. The degreee of how viral your site will be depends on how the user feels and how easy it is to share.

UX design is about developing a road map for the user, encouraging certain actions, and developing a user base that wants to engage with your content. We make design to make the page more memorable and meaningful. We do this by laying a foundation of good impression by enabling smooth and meaningful reading and encouraging user engagement. This will make the user experience harmony in content.

Reference: The Role of Design in the Kingdom of Content


  1. in web-driven world.

    THE EYES is the entrance to your clients :)
    make sure it pleasing to the eyes

  2. Thanks for reading my blog. I agree with your statement. Your site should be appealing so that users will be comfortable in staying and reading more of your articles.
